Many companies with high volumes of deliveries still use paper-based proof of delivery sheets.

Although electronic Proof of Delivery (ePOD) systems work for some companies, there are many situations where they are too inflexible, unsuitable or simply too expensive.
It can be much easier for delivery item shortages/omissions to be recorded on a paper delivery note along with any other notes and information – this can be difficult, or even impossible, with an ePOD system.
Although paper delivery notes are easy to use, they can be difficult to store – taking up potentially valuable space and being very time consuming to search.
Scanning these documents removes this storage issue, allows a backup to be created and enables fast and easy access by accounts and customer services personnel.
We have operated a nationwide Proof of Delivery [Delivery Note] scanning service to companies throughout the UK since 2002.
You dictate what information is captured and who can access that information. Charges are entirely ‘per sheet’ based so you only pay for the quantity of documents scanned and nothing more.
Our POD scanning service is quick, effective and enables any authorised person to access the scanned image within seconds improving customer service and credit control.
Document collection or live upload
Your documents can be collected from anywhere in the UK on a schedule to suit yourselves.
Or, for a super-fast service, scanned images or smartphone pictures can be uploaded to our secure servers 24 x 7 with our Capture on Demand service
Images can be retrieved using any captured index data such as [and not limited to] Invoice number, Account Number, Delivery Number, Invoice Total or Date.
Images supplied as black and white or full colour searchable PDFs.
Image snippets, such as just the customers signature, can be downloaded in addition to the whole image.
Multi-page delivery notes are captured as a single PDF.
Document security can be enhanced with digital signatures as proof of authenticity.
Index data can be captured from either printed text or from various barcode types.
Same-day processing so you can access information as quickly as possible.
Images can be accessed by authorised personnel from any computer, tablet or smartphone 24 x 7 – even while on the road – give it a try here.
Your records can be additionally supplied to you on USB stick or uploaded via SFTP to your system or a location of your choice.
Capture On Demand
Capture On Demand allows documents to be uploaded from any source, such as your own scanning system, or even a mobile phone picture taken from the delivery vehicle.
Within 1 minute of the upload the images are automatically processed and the captured data and images sent back to either your own system, dedicated SharePoint site or to our AWS based search and delivery system.
From image upload to being accessed by your staff can be a little as just two minutes.
Contact us for more details on how we could create a service customised to your requirements or, if you would like us to carry out a completely free sample using some of your data